Improved power density: alpitronic selects Infineon’s EasyPACK CoolSiC modules and EiceDRIVER X3 drivers for its 50 kW hypercharger
Smart Building Written on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }}
Following the successful launch of the HYC150 and HYC300 of their hypercharger product line, alpitronic…

Massachusetts golf course drives away emissions with 273-kW solar project
Solar Power Greenskies Clean Focus, in partnership with Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC), has completed installing a dual-located rooftop and ground-mounted solar array totaling 273.7 kW at the Cranberry Valley Golf Course in Harwich, Massachusetts.

In the Footsteps of the “Giants” – Smart Working Environments for SMEs
Smart Building Written on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }}
Wired or Wireless: Which is Better Suited for a Networked Building? By Graham Martin, Chairman & CEO…

SimpliPhi completes UL 9540A fire safety tests
Solar Power SimpliPhi Power announced its PHI batteries have completed UL 9540A fire-safety testing protocols, and its AccESS, BOSS.6 and BOSS.12 integrated systems are UL 9540 certified.
“As we continue to uphold SimpliPhi Power’s core values…

IoT News | Birdz & Sensoneo announce partnership to accelerate their development in the Smart Waste segment
Smart Building Birdz, a subsidiary of Veolia and pioneer in environmental IoT, and Sensoneo, a specialist…

December 2021 Special Edition: 2022 Renewable Energy Handbook
Solar Power By SPW | December 17, 2021The Solar Power World December 2021 Digital Edition is sponsored by CPS North America | Chint Power Global Welcome to the 2022 Renewable Energy Handbook. We’re wrapping up another stellar installation year for…

IoT News | M2MC introduces a new European tariff for its IoT communication service miotiq
Smart Building Company M2MC, the operator of the global service miotiq used for communication management in…

National Grid Renewables completes 200-MW Prairie Wolf Solar Project in Illinois
Solar Power The Prairie Wolf Solar Project from National Grid Renewables started commercial operations in Coles County, Illinois. Prairie Wolf is producing 200 MW of solar power and is contracted through a virtual PPA with agricultural corporation Cargill.

IoT News | CAR-LITE and Sigfox launch an intelligent light beacon based on the 0G network to replace emergency triangles on the road
Smart Building The new light beacon, designed and developed by CAR-LITE, will send automatic alerts to the…

OpenSolar, Mosaic Streamline Solar Financing and Sales for Installers
Solar Power OpenSolar Inc., a software company for solar installers with a free solar design and sales platform, and Mosaic, a financing platform for U.S. residential solar and energy-efficient home…