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Here’s how cloud adoption helped Upstox grow, IT News, ET CIO

When the pricing structure of almost every broker is the same, turning to technology to create that differentiating factor makes sense. Leading players in the market are advancing and upgrading both their frontend and backend operations with technologies like E-KYC, order management, biometric authentication, advanced charting etc. Brokers are investing heavily on technology to not […]

IoT News – 6G Communication Myths, Explored by IDTechEx

According to IDTechEx, 6G Communications will become one of the largest technology investments. It is currently in the healthy first stage of promising everything to widely deploy some in 2030. Meanwhile, 5G to “Beyond 5G” awaits. We upgrade telephony to be more useful every ten years. The new IDTechEx report, “6G Communications Market, Devices, Materials […]

Solar FlexRack trackers used in Namasté Solar’s 1.2-MW solar + agriculture project

Solar FlexRack, a division of Northern States Metals and a photovoltaic mounting and solar tracker solutions provider, has supplied its TDP Turnkey Solar Trackers for Jack’s Solar Garden, a 1.2-MW solar farm project and the largest “agrivoltaic” research project in the United States. Byron Kominek, owner of Jack’s Solar Garden, rides his family’s tractor through […]

Smarsh breaks down compliance barriers for Zoom meetings

Smarsh, enabling organizations to manage the risk and uncover the value within their electronic communications, today announced the launch of three applications to the Zoom App Marketplace. These applications build on the existing product integrations between Smarsh and Zoom at a time when demand for virtual meeting capabilities has surged across heavily regulated global […]

Smart Building Energy Management Systems Yield Cost Savings

Smart buildings can fine-tune energy consumption for serious savings. But smart facilities also invite security breaches. One of the biggest challenges for commercial building owners and managers is how to reduce energy consumption and save money. Indeed, almost 40% of energy consumed in the U.S. powers commercial and residential buildings, according to the U.S. Energy […]

All Robotics and Automation Stories and Videos

Shortening Sales Cycles; A Top Priority for Manufacturers Trade publications offer significant benefits for manufacturers in need of boosting inbound leads and sales, fast. How AI is Changing the Future of Supply Chain Costs AI brings efficiency through big data analytics and performance insights on an unprecedented scale. With this power, AI is advancing supply […]