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Corporate Climate Pledges Often Ignore a Key Component: Supply Chains

For nearly 30 years, the pharmaceutical giant Bristol Myers Squibb has proclaimed it’s been setting and meeting ambitious targets around energy and greenhouse gas emissions. These days, those goals include being “carbon neutral” by 2040. The equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, Texas Instruments, Exxon Mobil and the Walt Disney Company have all made similar claims about the […]

CodeSee adds map visualization to its code production platform

As newer, heavier software applications loaded with new functionality — think “AI” — keep rolling into the market, more and more complicated codebases ride with them into the cloud and our devices. As those codebases become denser, more sophisticated tools are needed for developers to understand and navigate them. That’s where newcomer CodeSee comes into […]

Top business automation trends

Top business automation trends By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information Accept The cookie settings on this website are set to “allow cookies” to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you […]

Policy carveouts give low-income solar adoption a boost in Oregon

Oregon has been fairly progressive on addressing climate change. This year, it became the eighth state to commit to 100% clean or renewable electricity. Setting 2040 as the deadline for this transition, Oregon joins New York for the quickest timeline to 100% carbon-free energy in the country. While utility-scale renewables will undoubtedly contribute the bulk […]

November solar policy snapshots

Ohio Republicans have sponsored a bill that would enable community solar in the state, with special carveouts for brownfields. California legislators push for community solar provision in new net-metering planSacramento, California California legislators are asking the utility commission to establish a program that compensates community solar subscribers based on the value of a project’s generation […]