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IoT News | Shining a spotlight on the benefits of IoT innovation

By Alex Bufalino, Vice President of Marketing at Quectel. Technology can have a negative reputation because people tend to fear what they don’t understand and due to privacy concerns. However, not all technology is bad. During this season of giving thanks, I would like to remind everyone that technology can be a powerful tool for […]

Solar advocates ask lawmakers to immediately include low-income ITC refund in Build Back Better Act

A coalition including Solar United Neighbors, GRID, Green Latinos, Hispanic Federation and Earthjustice sent a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) asking them to allow for immediate low- and moderate-income participation in the ITC refundability provisions in the final version of the Build Back Better Act. The group acknowledges that […]

Cryptocurrency Ethereum is flourishing but risks linger

Analysis: Cryptocurrency Ethereum is flourishing but risks linger By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information Accept The cookie settings on this website are set to “allow cookies” to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your […]

Greenbacker Acquires 19.5 MW Solar Portfolio from NextSun Energy

Charles Wheeler Greenbacker Renewable Energy Co. LLC, an owner and operator of sustainable infrastructure and energy efficiency projects, says a wholly owned subsidiary has purchased a 15-project solar portfolio from NextSun Energy. The portfolio, which totals 19.5 MW DC of generating capacity, expands Greenbacker’s footprint in New England and includes the company’s first asset in […]

Software That is Helping the Development of Robotics

Software That is Helping the Development of Robotics By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information Accept The cookie settings on this website are set to “allow cookies” to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your […]

Weather data must be reliable and precise, because they are the basis for the “Smart Building”

Written on {{ “2021-11-05T00:00:00+00:00” | date “longDate” }} Modified on {{ “2021-11-05T00:00:00+00:00” | date “longDate” }} Suntracer pro from Elsner Elektronik records brightness, GPS signal, wind speed and direction, precipitation, temperature, humidity and pressure and thus makes an important contribution to professional building automation. In the RS485 system, a terminal device such as a PLC, PC […]

In the Midwest, community solar aligns with conservative Republican values

Coalition for Community Solar Access Solar policy support is usually led by Democrats, from federal legislators down to local office holders. These lawmakers are driven largely by environmental concerns in their work to create progressive solar policy. But one sector of solar is not only receiving increasing attention from conservative Republicans, it’s being spearheaded by […]

HCL Technologies to hire 10,000 professionals to boost AWS business unit capacity, IT News, ET CIO

HCL Technologies (HCL) will be adding 10,000 professionals to boost its newly Amazon Web Services (AWS) Business Unit (AWS BU) to help enterprises worldwide accelerate their cloud transformation journey. This dedicated business unit within HCL will be supported by AWS engineering, solutions and business teams. HCL currently holds five AWS competencies, has more than 10,000 […]