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130-MW solar project will support 11 Alabama utilities

Lightsource bp is moving forward on its 130-MWdc Black Bear Solar energy project in Montgomery County, Alabama. “This project demonstrates the positive impacts that result from partnerships with shared goals to reduce carbon emissions, deliver affordable electricity, create jobs and contribute to local communities,” said Kevin Smith, CEO of the Americas, Lightsource bp. “It’s also […]

Solar’s role in popularizing green hydrogen

Photovoltaic solar, with its range of complementing technologies and uses, is expected to be integral in another process of decarbonizing the grid: creating a carbon-free fuel source. Hydrogen cells are an energy source that, when expended, release no carbon, just heat and water vapor. They’re commonly used in food and fertilizer production, treating metals and […]

Inside the Campaign to Save an Imperiled Cambodian Rainforest

We were seated near a lush river in the Southern Cardamom Mountains, huddled over a lunch of chicken and rice, when the tip came in via text message: Someone had passed along the location of a poaching camp. Within minutes, the entire group — including Darian Thackwell, the head ranger, and four of his armed […]

California Proposes Raising Fees on Owners of Rooftop Solar Systems

California regulators on Monday proposed requiring people with rooftop solar panels to pay more of the costs of operating the electric grid, a plan that some supporters of clean energy argued could greatly reduce the incentive for new residential installations. The proposal from the California Public Utilities Commission would impose higher utility fees on people […]

Battling for Bolivia’s Lithium That’s Vital to Electric Cars

“The amount of lithium we need in any of our climate goals is incredible,” said Anna Shpitsberg, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for energy transformation. “Everyone is trying to build up their supply chains and think about how to be strategic.” But Washington has little sway in Bolivia, whose leaders have long disagreed […]

Fight Over Gas Stoves and Furnaces in the Effort to Slow Climate Change

That spring, Arizona, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Louisiana passed laws that barred cities from banning natural gas. In Oklahoma, the gas industry drew support from groups like the AARP, the influential lobby for older Americans, as well as restaurants, hotels, homebuilders and barbecue equipment makers. “The message was: ‘You don’t want these California liberals telling you […]

Google Pledged to Remove Ads From Climate Denial Sites, but Many Still Run

Ahead of last month’s United Nations global climate summit, Google, the world’s biggest provider of ads online, made a big announcement: It would stop placing ads on sites that deny the scientific consensus on climate change. Banned from profiting from its advertising program, Google said, were sites and videos falsely referring to global warming as […]