The technological change in the automotive industry, among others, is also affecting the Zimmer Group – the automation specialist from Germany is well prepared.

Zimmer Group System Technology – Development Competence at Just the Right Time

Zimmer Group System Technology – Development Competence at Just the Right Time
Article from | Zimmer Group
Progress in electro mobility is heralding a paradigm shift in vehicle drive technology. This shift towards electro mobility is bringing movement to the market and posing major challenges not only for automotive manufacturers and their suppliers. The automation specialist Zimmer Group from Rheinau is also directly affected by these massive effects: How is the Zimmer Group, which for years had focused its systems division on components for the conventional powertrain segment, dealing with this change? One thing is clear: a radical rethink is required.
EV (Electric Vehicle) manufacturers are currently looking for innovative and automated solutions to make their manufacturing processes and production assemblies simple, reliable and productive. It is not uncommon for product development and also the development of a manufacturing concept to take place in parallel. This requires maximum flexibility in the construction of an automation solution and in the mindset of the engineers involved. Since batch sizes in the field of battery production have not yet reached such a high level at present, a flexible manufacturing concept should or rather must therefore be developed in addition to a flexible automation concept.
Leading Partner of the automotive Industry
Zimmer Group has been offering end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) for powertrain assembly and loading of processing lines in the automotive industry for 30 years. In order to actively accompany the technological transition from combustion engines to electro mobility, several modular solutions for EV vehicle manufacturing have already been developed by the Zimmer Group’s System Technology division.