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Siemens Smart Infrastructure has relaunched its leading and proven smart meter data management software EnergyIP, focusing on enhancing user experience. This stems from increasing requirements for better data quality and further automation, leading to a focus on workflow improvements and user-centricity.

The latest EnergyIP Mosaic software is intuitive and efficient with noticeably fewer clicks, which leads to task time reduction by up to 85 percent. Thanks to additional data transparency and improved anomaly detection, users can make decisions with greater speed and confidence.
- Workflow improvements change how users work with the software
- Includes new features such as Event and Data Action Management
- Business monitoring made easier with improved data transparency
- Task time reduction by up to 85 percent
- Significant savings on repetitive tasks, roughly 166 person days annually
Now the software collates all relevant data on one screen, making it easier to understand and identify correlations and root causes through interactive visualizations and shortcuts. The latest EnergyIP Mosaic software is intuitive and efficient with noticeably fewer clicks, which leads to task time reduction by up to 85 percent. Thanks to additional data transparency and improved anomaly detection, users can make decisions with greater speed and confidence.
“Siemens is taking its market-leading meter data management software to the next level, supporting customers to get ready for future changes to the energy system,” said Sabine Erlinghagen, CEO of Digital Grid at Siemens Smart Infrastructure. “We have worked extensively with multiple customers globally to understand their exact needs when it comes to meter data management. EnergyIP Mosaic has not only changed its look and feel but opens up new efficient ways of performing tasks, providing better situational awareness for customers. Focusing on workflow improvements, the new software is more efficient, intuitive, insightful, adaptable and ready to use on modern devices such as tablets.”
Meter data management has mainly been used by utilities for billing processes for electric, gas and water meters. According to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, Siemens EnergyIP software has been the leader for meter data management for many years. Worldwide, more than 90 million smart meters are under contract and more than 200 utilities are using EnergyIP. However, this space is evolving, with smart meter data expected to be used for additional purposes in the future, especially when combined with data from other sources.
The EnergyIP Mosaic software makes everyday routines and workflows simpler and faster, increasing the efficiency of tasks by up to 85 percent. The new Event and Data Action Management (EDAM) feature makes it easier for users to detect anomalies in the data provided by smart meters to avoid unnecessary manual interventions or ordering replacements. About 99.9 percent of data faults can be detected and resolved automatically. This saves time and cost, as preventive actions can be taken before meters fail.
In addition, EnergyIP Mosaic is horizontally and vertically scalable and requires up to 60 percent less processing power than comparable solutions. Based on 100 tasks a day performed with the software, approximately 166 person days can potentially be saved annually thanks to the new user experience. Data transparency improves as operation of the software is more visible to users. This makes it easier to investigate data collection and quality issues, eventually leading to zero billing complaints due to data issues. Data quality is becoming increasingly important, especially if smart meter data will be used for other purposes in the future.
For more information about Siemens Smart Infrastructure, see www.siemens.com/smartinfrastructure
For further information on EnergyIP Mosaic, please see https://new.siemens.com/global/en/products/energy/energy-automation-and-smart-grid/energyip-meter-data-management/energyip-mosaic.html