POWERHOME SOLAR was selected to install 659.4 kW of solar on five municipal buildings throughout the City of Harrison, Michigan. Projects will be installed at City Hall, the Fire Hall, water tower, pump house and wastewater treatment facility. These locations were selected because they’re the largest consumers of power.
The portfolio is a multiphase project that started earlier this year and is scheduled to be completed in the coming months. The panels will offset approximately 97% of the electricity costs of the facilities.
Tracey Connelly, the city manager and clerk for the City of Harrison, said her community prides itself on forward-thinking and is intent on using taxpayer money wisely.
“The City of Harrison spends over $130,000 annually from the budget just in these locations,” Connelly said. “Solar power is one of the most popular sources of renewable energy. The monetary savings plus the eco-friendly advantages of solar power is why the City of Harrison decided to move towards this clean energy production.”
News item from POWERHOME SOLAR