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Spaceti News

Introducing you the Meeting Room 2.0, the next generation of Spaceti booking tablet app, which allows you to manage meeting room bookings right on the spot without using a mobile application. This newest edition includes many great features, and more are coming soon.

Major Product Release – Meeting Room 2.0 Edition!

About the Meeting Room 2.0
The newest tablet app for meeting rooms is the second generation of the Meeting Room app developed by Spaceti, which enables you to create and extend bookings, and check in/check out right on the spot without using a mobile application. Meeting Room 2.0 app allows you to display the occupancy status of the meeting room and upcoming events for the current day, and also to make a quick booking. With this update, we’re excited to announce that Meeting Room 2.0 app is now available for Android devices (iOS is coming soon).

What do we love about the new Meeting Room 2.0?
The new Meeting Room 2.0 app is the most powerful tool for managing meeting rooms and workspaces with your connected buildings. We are excited about this release because it combines all the amazing features of our previous version into one easy-to-use app with improvements in performance, user experience, and compatibility. The new version 2.0 features include:

  • Easy setup
  • Improved user experience
  • New more user-friendly interface
  • Seamless updates (No more APKs file, automatic Play Market updates every time Spaceti releases an update)
  • Wide range of device compatibility (Android and Web)
  • If you are not able to install the native application – you can open Meeting Room 2.0 via device inbuilt browser:

How to activate Meeting Room 2.0?
The meeting room booking app is easily installed and set up on your tablets. The activation process is seamless, even if you are a new user.

  • Get an Android tablet and find a location where you can plug it in.
  • Open the Google Play Store on your tablet device and
  • download the Meeting Room app.
  • Once downloaded, open the application.
  • Before using the application, you will need to go through the activation process. To do this, you need administrator-level access to the Spaceti app. Use your mobile to scan the QR code on your tablet screen, enter your “admin” email address and password, then click “confirm” and follow the next instructions.
  • After the app has been activated on a tablet, you’ll be able to start using it immediately.
  • Please note that unless you close the app, it will always try to display on the front.

We hope you will enjoy the new Meeting Room 2.0 app and find it helpful in your daily office operations. Want to learn more about the benefits of using our meeting room app? Click here.

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