K2 Systems is releasing an all-new tile mounting product series to give installers a variety of options across tile roofs.

K2 Systems
Throughout 2020, K2 has expanded its product portfolio by releasing all new roof attachments to complement its systems. The new tile product series, T.H.O.R. (Tile Hooks On Roof) aims to provide a complete menu of options for all tile roof types, in all regions.
T.H.O.R. includes the following products:
- The Flat Tile Hook X is a new version of K2’s original Flat Tile Hook which was released in 2019. Following feedback from the field, the Flat Tile Hook X has a longer extended hook arm, making it more compatible with larger tile sizes while reducing the need for tile grinding.
- The Universal Standard Hook has a 9 in. base and is a single-part welded steel hook that is universally compatible with all tile roof types. The base features eight slotted holes for adjustability at the lag screw connections.
- The Universal Standard Hook +2, 5.5” Base is a two-piece adjustable hook that has been a standard tile mounting method in the industry for many years. This two-piece steel hook lets installers position the hook arm into three different mounting points on its 5.5” base plate. Additional waterproofing will be added with K2’s FlexFlash preinstalled onto the base plate.
The original Flat Tile Hook was built to be a short and stout steel hook that could be installed in areas with snow loads and high wind speeds, such as Colorado and other parts of the Southwest. The new Flat Tile Hook X a slimmer design to extend the reach of the hook arm in areas with no snow loads and bigger tiles, such as southern California and Arizona and for minimal tile grinding.
Optimized for CrossRail, all of the new K2 tile hooks include 2 lag screws with pre-installed sealing washers and T-Bolt sets for the CrossRail connection.
The major distinction between the two options of Universal Standard Hooks are the base plate sizes: one is 9 in. and the other is 5.5 in. The latter base option is a two-piece hook, while the 9 in. option is a welded single-piece hook. They both feature slotted lag screw hole options on the bases. The two-piece hook has three options in the base plate wall where the hook arm can attach, offering more adjustability.
News item from K2 Systems