Charming. Really charming.
Screenshot by ZDNet
I think of Google’s Pixel brand as one of those cult stars who refuse to appear in Hollywood movies.
Until they reach a certain age, that is.
Many people love their Pixels. Relatively few actually buy them. And, well, just as with cult stars, there have been some unimpressive Pixel performances on occasion.
On the other hand, Google has lately presented its Pixels in such an engaging way that you want to (almost) forgive all the half-heartedness with which the company manages the brand.
Not too long ago, there was Google winningly advertising its accident calling feature. Before that, there was an intriguing entreaty to practice mindfulness while downloading your data to your new Pixel.
Now Google has released three more entertaining little advertising gems. Each serves to offer further emotional uplift.
There’s a dramatization of how the Pixel’s alleged 48-hour battery is a sipper, not a chugger. The ad actually features a dog that isn’t cute at all.
How, though, do you advertise security features? Security is such a nebulous concept, until it bites you like an ugly pooch.
Here, Google chooses to show a frightened child screaming. Because what could be more amusing than that?
Finally, there’s the blocking of unwanted calls. How can you make that entertaining? How do you make it seem like a nice thing to do?
Why, you go back to the infinite advertising arsenal that are children and find a little girl singing: “Leave me alone… leave me aloooonnneeee.”
Somehow, I find myself charmed by all three of these little ads.
There are those, though, who believe marketing and advertising are the very same thing. The truth is that advertising is just one part of the marketing effort and Google hasn’t always been adept at any of the other parts.
This leaves Pixel in this peculiar limbo, neither here nor there, but somewhere out there.
Which is a pity.