
By Casey Murphy, Vice President of Customer Solutions

As a solar contractor, you’re already a “disrupter” by nature. But there are several trends in the solar industry that could disrupt you and your business if you’re not prepared. These trends can easily be missed by busy professionals and business owners for a few key reasons:

  • Disruptions occur rapidly,
  • They come from outside your industry, and
  • They’re a convergence of different industries hitting an inflection point at the same time.

Fortunately, Pearl Certification is here to help! We work with our network partners, government agencies, manufacturers, and others to identify and share critical trends that may otherwise go overlooked and threaten your business. In our latest thought leadership post, we share five key disruptions to look out for in the solar industry, why they’re so important, and what they mean for the future of your business. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in dominating.

Click below to learn more and discover how to capitalize on these trends to dominate your market — now and well into the future!

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