Dassault Systèmes and NTT Communications Announce Alliance for Sustainable Smart Cities in Japan
Smart Building Written on {{ "2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }}
Dassault Systèmes (Euronext Paris: FR0014003TT8, DSY.PA) and NTT Communications announced that they have…

IoT News | Berg Insight says 45.6 million patients worldwide are remotely monitored
Smart Building Berg Insight, the world’s leading M2M/IoT market research provider, today released new findings…

SmarteCAM – a ready-to-deploy smart AI camera from e-con Systems is now listed on AWS partner device catalog!
Smart Building smartbuildingmag.com
{{ "2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00" | date "MMM" }} '21
Written on {{ "2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate"…

Smart Building STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, has revealed a new family of GaN power semiconductors in the STPOWER portfolio that can significantly reduce…

Improved power density: alpitronic selects Infineon’s EasyPACK CoolSiC modules and EiceDRIVER X3 drivers for its 50 kW hypercharger
Smart Building Written on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }}
Following the successful launch of the HYC150 and HYC300 of their hypercharger product line, alpitronic…

In the Footsteps of the “Giants” – Smart Working Environments for SMEs
Smart Building Written on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }} Modified on {{ "2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00" | date "longDate" }}
Wired or Wireless: Which is Better Suited for a Networked Building? By Graham Martin, Chairman & CEO…

IoT News | Birdz & Sensoneo announce partnership to accelerate their development in the Smart Waste segment
Smart Building Birdz, a subsidiary of Veolia and pioneer in environmental IoT, and Sensoneo, a specialist…

IoT News | M2MC introduces a new European tariff for its IoT communication service miotiq
Smart Building Company M2MC, the operator of the global service miotiq used for communication management in…

IoT News | CAR-LITE and Sigfox launch an intelligent light beacon based on the 0G network to replace emergency triangles on the road
Smart Building The new light beacon, designed and developed by CAR-LITE, will send automatic alerts to the…

IoT News | Implementing a Structured Approach for Data Protection in the Cloud
Smart Building Cloud-based services offer a lot of benefits to businesses. They can make it easier for companies…