Did Your Home Security Camera Document Hurricane Ian?
Security Systems We want to hear from you. Source link

Robots to Guard Your Home
Security Systems When Robert Oschler, a programmer, leaves his home, he knows it is secure. And if he ever has cause for concern, he can open his laptop and survey the house through the eyes of his watchdogs.“I don’t have any pets. I just have pet robots,…

Q & A
Security Systems Granting access to co-op inspectors; when an owner abandons his condo; using cameras to catch violators. Source link

Thinking of Rigging Your Home With Smart Devices? Start Here
Security Systems Shopping for consumer electronics can be overwhelming. The staff of the The Wirecutter and The Sweethome, product review websites owned by The New York Times Company, do the hard work of narrowing down the options. We spoke with Grant Clauser,…

Clever Tips on Securing Your Home
Security Systems By Bucks Editors

Do Security Systems Make Your Home Safer?
Security Systems “Give him the password?” That was not the correct answer.Instead, I was to give him a fake password to alert the company to a hostage situation. “The kids need to know that they can never play around with this,” he warned.My children,…

Finding Peace of Mind for Your Home Away From Home
Security Systems Geneva Simms and Nathan Lavertue were driving to their country house in Dutchess County one recent weekend when there was yet another spring snowstorm. But when they arrived late that night, their home, which was built around 1780 and was…

Can Artificial Intelligence Keep Your Home Secure?
Security Systems Mr. Silva said any security plan started with the basics — good locks, strong doors, an alarm system — and could be expanded to full perimeter screening with either monitoring enhanced with artificial intelligence or more traditional…

These Smart Devices Protect Your Home While You’re on Vacation
Security Systems A smoke alarm is useful only if someone is there to hear it. For our rental unit I installed a Roost battery: If the alarm goes off, I get a notification on my phone, and I can set it to ping a neighbor or family friend, too. (You can find…

Smart Lights Enhance Home Security and Shine a Light on Crime
Security Systems Scheduling also allows you to vary the times when the lights go on and off throughout the week so that no day repeats and becomes predictable to someone casing your house. And devices such as Philips Hue smart bulbs and the LIFX + BR30 outdoor…