Amazon fined $887 million for GDPR privacy violations
Digital Transformation Amazon announced that it has been fined 746 million euros -- $887 million -- for violating the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules…

SEC Chairman Gensler tightens restrictions on Chinese companies after cybersecurity crackdown in China
Digital Transformation Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler released a statement on Friday announcing measures the SEC will take to protect investors from…

The average consumer loses over $150 a year renting a router from their ISP
Digital Transformation Fast facts:Our analysis of data from major ISPs found that the average customer who rents equipment for their internet service could save upwards…

LinkedIn: We won’t expect employees to come into the office anymore
Digital Transformation LinkedIn employees can now expect to decide where they would like to log into work.

New Aussie legislation to target use of personal information by social media
Digital Transformation Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Attorney-General's…

NBN business satellite service now covers all of Australia
Digital Transformation NBN announced on Friday that it has hit 100% coverage on the Australian mainland, Tasmania, as well as "large islands and hard to reach remote locations"…

Focus on what you can control
Digital Transformation By Vanshika SharmaGrown up in the town of Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh, Tilak Doddapaneni was intrigued towards IT while working at his father's factory. Performing shifts at the factory, he found himself attracted to engineering. The interactions…

Cisco researchers spotlight Solarmarker malware
Digital Transformation Andrew Windsor and Chris Neal, researchers with Cisco Talos, have seen new activity from Solarmarker, a .NET-based information stealer and keylogger…

Security team finds Crimea manifesto buried in VBA Rat using double attack vectors
Digital Transformation Hossein Jazi and Malwarebytes' Threat Intelligence team released a report on Thursday highlighting a new threat actor potentially targeting Russian…

Apple MagSafe Battery Pack review: Power on the go Review
Digital Transformation For the last few years, Apple has followed the new iPhone models with the release of a Smart Battery Case to extend their battery life. Normally, a case with a built-in battery is something…