IT upgrades and digitalisation fuels Lenovo’s Q1 119% net income growth
Digital Transformation Lenovo has delivered more than double its net income for the first quarter of 2022 financial year as opportunities created by digitalisation and IT…

Going digital is helping Nippon India Mutual Fund drive growth and profits, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation Today, it is imperative that for all companies digital permeates all aspects of the business, rather than focusing on “core areas”, and Nippon India Mutual Fund (NIMF) has been driving full scale digital adoption the same way. “When…

Xiaomi enters quadrupedal robotics space with CyberDog
Digital Transformation Image: Xiaomi
Xiaomi has unveiled a new quadrupedal…

NortonLifeLock and Avast PLC to merge in $8.4 billion transaction
Digital Transformation Antivirus vendor NortonLifeLock this afternoon said it will merge with Britain's Avast PLC in a transaction combining cash and stock in two different…

Microsoft’s August 2021 Patch Tuesday: 44 flaws fixed, seven critical including Print Spooler vulnerability
Digital Transformation Microsoft has released 44 security fixes for August's Patch Tuesday, with seven of the vulnerabilities being rated critical. There were three zero…

3D capture for construction is like SimCity (but for real)
Digital Transformation Buildots
Last year we floated the idea of moving…

Healthcare is starting to adopt more technology, but it has catching up to do
Digital Transformation Healthcare organizations are increasing their use of technology but doctors still see their sector as a follower, not a leader when it comes to innovation.Google…

Quantum computing: How BMW is getting ready for the next technology revolution
Digital Transformation BMW has been preparing to be quantum-ready for the past four years.
Image: Johannes Simon / Staff…

Digital Rights Watch and EFA push for right to repair to quash tech giant monopoly power
Digital Transformation Digital Rights Watch (DRW) and Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) have sternly warned that if big tech giants including Apple, Google, Amazon, and…

Growing up in a chawl was no deterrent for this CIO, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation By Rasika DeshpandePooraan Jaiswal, Entero Healthcare was born and brought up in Mumbai. Growing up in a chawl, Jaiswal had a difficult childhood. “In those days, completing a primary education was a big achievement for the kids like us…