CBA to automate least-cost routing for small businesses
Digital Transformation Getty Images/iStockphoto
Commonwealth Bank of…

Telco CEOs appeal to NBN’s sense of social responsibility for lockdown CVC relief
Digital Transformation Image: Chris Duckett/ZDNet
The CEOs of Telstra,…

Here’s how Vedanta is planning to build predictive analytics models at scale, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation Organisations are investing heavily in predictive analytics. Predictive analytics combines data mining, automated algorithms, and studying historical data to make predictions about the future. Businesses invest a lot in getting the right…

Best business credit card for startups and new businesses 2021
Digital Transformation As a new business owner, it's good to invest a little bit of time into finding the perfect credit for your business because…

Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer stepping down
Digital Transformation After 13 years at Facebook, CTO Mike Schroepfer has decided to step down from the role sometime in 2022, he announced on Wednesday. Andrew Bosworth,…

AI industry, obsessed with speed, is loathe to consider the energy cost in latest MLPerf benchmark
Digital Transformation Qualcomm emphasized its top efficiency score on select AI tasks in the MLPerf benchmark test.

Adobe’s Q3 earnings: Four takeaways on SMBs, Creative Cloud, customer experiences
Digital Transformation Adobe reported a strong third quarter and fourth quarter outlook but is starting to see more seasonal patterns following a boom year during the COVID-19…

How Johnson Controls is going ‘digital to the core’
Digital Transformation As Johnson Controls expands its focus from manufacturing HVAC, fire detection, and building controls products to providing predictive analytics and smart facilities, Johnson’s end-to-end processes, says CIO…

‘iPhone storage almost full’ after installing iOS 15? Here’s what NOT to do
Digital Transformation If you've just installed iOS 15 and you're now seeing a message that says that your 'iPhone storage almost full,' then you're not alone.In fact, it…

Challenges in implementing AI, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation By Manuj DesaiI was recently asked to pen an article on the necessity of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) in the growth of a business. Stepping back, I wanted to emphasize on what the role should really attain versus what the role is tagged…