Skyline Robotics unveils ‘world’s first window-cleaning robot’ for New York skyscrapers
Automation Systems Skyline Robotics unveils ‘world’s first window-cleaning robot’ for New York skyscrapers

IoT News | Quectel receives ASPICE CL2 approval with leading automotive software R&D capability
Smart Building …

Encore Renewable Energy completes two brownfield solar projects in Vermont
Solar Power Encore Renewable Energy and Vermont Electric Cooperative announced the commissioning of two new solar projects comprising 4.5 MW of new, clean energy generation in Jericho, Vermont. The two new solar arrays include a 2.3-MW project on the…

Black Friday Android phone deals: Samsung, OnePlus, Google, more
Digital Transformation It was just months ago when Google announced that Android had hit 3 billion in active users. Whether you're looking to upgrade from your current Android…

Perrone Robotics selects Ouster as ‘preferred lidar supplier’ for autonomous vehicles
Automation Systems Perrone Robotics selects Ouster as ‘preferred lidar supplier’ for autonomous vehicles

IoT News | Viasat and Inmarsat to Combine, Creating a New Leading Global Communications Innovator
Smart Building Highlights: Accelerates Availability and Customer Choice for Broadband and IoT Services in Highly Competitive,…

Convalt sets aside 2% of its NY solar panel manufacturing capacity to European company SoliTek
Solar Power European solar module manufacturer SoliTek has signed a cooperation agreement with Convalt PowerGen, the company behind the new module assembly facility setting up in upstate New York. Convalt, which acquired its manufacturing equipment from…

8 tips for streamlining legacy IT
Digital Transformation Despite the acceleration of digital roadmaps and the continuing push to modernize, many CIOs still have old applications and infrastructure in their IT stacks.Organizations have a few key reasons for holding onto legacy technologies:…

All You Need to Know About Craigslist Proxies
Automation Systems All You Need to Know About Craigslist Proxies

IoT News | Embedded car OEM telematics subscribers reached 133 million in 2020
Smart Building According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the number of telematics service…