Can Indian retailers take AI beyond just gimmicks?, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation Dear Reader,Buying spectacles online is perhaps one of the most excruciating experiences. You never know how they'd end up looking on your face, you're not sure if they'd be even comfortable. So as I spent my recent Sunday trying to look…

IoT News | How IoT can streamline the car insurance industry
Smart Building The Internet of Things (IOT) is a technology that is being readily used in the car insurance industry…

Prefabricated wire wipes out related schedule risks on large solar projects
Solar Power By Joe Parzych, eBOS wire product manager, Terrasmart
The pandemic has caused unpredictable material costs and shortages. Add the constant challenge of balancing risks and returns and it’s an increasingly complex climate for solar EPCs…

Samsung’s OneUI 4 update officially release today. Here’s what that means for you
Digital Transformation Image: Samsung …

Vision Systems with Collaborative Robots
Automation Systems Webinar: Vision Systems with Collaborative Robots

IoT News | Managed Data Analytics: 4 Pros And Cons
Smart Building The past decade or so has been a boon for “exponential organizations,” which are brands that managed…

Investment opportunities in solar electricity generation for health facilities in sub-Sahara Africa are promising
Solar Power Light at the end of the tunnel: The fight against COVID-19 on the African continent is an unprecedented opportunity to build sustainable infrastructure to save 750 million people from darkness. Desert Technologies announces that it has taken…

IBM launches 127-qubit Eagle quantum processor, previews IBM Quantum System Two
Digital Transformation IBM announced a new 127-qubit processor called Eagle and previewed designs for IBM Quantum System Two, Big Blue's next-generation quantum…

2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Reaches New Heights
Automation Systems It's been a mixed bag recently for Jeep Grand Cherokee aficionados. A new three-row Grand Cherokee L debuted for the 2021 model year to much fanfare, but the GC's two-row fourth-generation variant has soldiered on unchanged, despite being…