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Do you know who owns the land under your solar project?

By Brian Pullin, partner, Husch Blackwell LLP A recent Texas case, Lyle v. Midway Solar, S.W. 3d, 2020 WL 7769632 (Tex. App. Ct., El Paso 83rd Dist. 2020), addressed a challenge that many solar developers wrestle with: how to handle mineral owners. A mineral owner has the right to use minerals found beneath a plot of land. The […]

A.I. Is Not What You Think

This article is part of the On Tech newsletter. You can sign up here to receive it weekdays. When you hear about artificial intelligence, stop imagining computers that can do everything we can do but better. My colleague Cade Metz, who has a new book about A.I., wants us to understand that the technology is […]

Former Yahoo COO & Silicon Valley Veteran on How He Digitally Transformed Chegg into an $11B Powerhouse

When schools and universities shut their doors and switched to online learning to slow the spread of coronavirus, the leading direct-to-student online learning platform experienced a huge demand in business (64% year-over-year revenue growth & 69% subscriber growth). In the next episode of our “If I Knew Then Leadership Lessons” series, Comparably CEO Jason Nazar […]

Racking hardware is integral to overall residential solar system appearance

Many choices factor into a solar array’s overall appearance. The most forward-facing elements are the modules themselves, but racking and mounting hardware play a major role in a rooftop system’s aesthetics. Racking choices like positioning modules closer to the roofline, matching popular solar panel frame colors, keeping wires tucked away and finishing projects with attractive […]

How to Become a Digital-First Company in 2021

February 11, 2021 7 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that taking a company digital is a difficult process. But it might come as a surprise to learn just how difficult it is to achieve a successful digital transformation. According to a Boston Consulting Group study released in […]

IoT Reshaping Building Automation

Despite the widespread success of smart homes, building automation still presents many challenges to be solved, especially in industrial contexts. Eurotech is playing a major role in this business, with its success cases in both hardware and software products: IoT gateways IoT software and platforms high-performance edge computers Brought to you by:  Source link

SunSpec Alliance Releases Test Platform to Validate DER Compliance

To accelerate the delivery of distributed energy resource (DER) technology such as solar and storage products that comply with IEEE 1547-2018, the U.S. national standard for DER, the SunSpec Alliance, an information standards and certification organization for the DER industry, has released the SunSpec SVP Dashboard test platform to its 125 member organizations.  SunSpec SVP […]