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GoodWe receives top inverter classification from EUPD Research

Chinese inverter company GoodWe announced it has been listed as a top inverter brand in six countries by EUPD Research. According to the survey, GoodWe is the preferred rooftop inverter brand in the Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Spain, South Africa and Pakistan. The Top Brand PV seal is awarded based on an installer survey, which analyses […]

7 Useful Apps to Measure Your Mac’s Performance

7 Useful Apps to Measure Your Mac’s Performance By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information Accept The cookie settings on this website are set to “allow cookies” to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your […]

Solar Technology: Taking a Better Tack with Trackers

Module mounting structures for solar PV systems are mostly found in two flavors: fixed-tilt and tracking. While fixed-tilt systems require lower capital expenditure, need less maintenance and are more reliable, tracking systems can increase the energy yield of a project by increasing the irradiation received by the PV modules as they track the sun through […]