
Anaheim Solar One plans to develop a 3-MW PV solar project on vacant land in Anaheim Hills, California using Mechatron Solar‘s unique dual-axis tracker solution. The site is zoned as “Open Space” and has rolling hills and featureless topography suitable for solar development. Anaheim Solar One has requested a Conditional Use Permit for the site.

Each dual-axis solar unit will be mounted on a single mast, minimizing the disturbance of land area under the solar panels and allows for the co-existence of agriculture or grazing opportunities. The patented dual-axis tracker design provides greater energy harvest from the sun, compared to all other solar panel orientations on the market.

The site is very hilly and does not provide adequate footing for homes or commercial buildings, but with mounting foundations like Mechatron’s, the topography is suitable for solar development with minimal clearing and grading. Project operations will typically be unattended with routine maintenance and washing twice a year. The project has been designed to mitigate issues with the flora and fauna of the area while silently providing clean power to the region.

The project will be located at the intersection of Cannon Street and Via Escola Drive, a site historically used as a recreation space for riding bikes and hiking. Once construction is completed, Anaheim Solar One intends to plant hundreds of fast-growing trees, providing both an aesthetic and practical purpose by creating a park-like setting and eventually blocking sight of the array from most of the project from neighborhoods downhill from the site.

The project will provide the community a park-like setting with hundreds of trees, trails and benches gated off from the electrical components of the project that will be a benefit to the health and safety of the community.

News item from Mechatron Solar

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