Solar Landscape energizes 2.3-MW rooftop community solar project in New Jersey
Solar Power Solar Landscape
Solar Landscape announced that another of its portfolio of first-year community solar projects is energized and delivering clean energy to local residents in northeast New Jersey. The 2.3-MWDC project, located in the Wood-Ridge…

California Hispanic Chambers Of Commerce find CCAs aren’t hiring diverse energy contractors
Solar Power A recent report commissioned by the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CHCC) has revealed that California’s Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) are woefully behind in contracting with the state’s diverse small businesses. Community…

Dynamic Energy, Soltage Partner on Maine Solar Asset
Solar Power Rendering of the solar array under construction in Norridgewock, Maine
Dynamic Energy Solutions LLC has begun construction of a 6.6 MW DC ground-mounted solar array in Norridgewock, Maine.…

Growatt Releases Improved Inverter for Off-Grid Solar
Solar Power Growatt, a residential inverter supplier, has launched its second-generation off-grid inverter, SPF 3000T HVM-G2, to serve the market. “Our R&D team has brought advanced technologies…

CenterPoint Energy Proposes Addition of 335 MW of Renewable Energy for Indiana
Solar Power CenterPoint Energy’s Indiana-based electric and natural gas business, CenterPoint Energy Indiana South, has filed a request for approval from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission…

Wind and solar account for 90% of new utility-scale energy additions to U.S. grid in first half of 2021
Solar Power Data from both FERC and the U.S. EIA confirm that nearly all new U.S. electrical generating capacity additions in the first six months of 2021 were from renewable energy sources, this according to analysis from the SUN DAY Campaign.

AGreatE energy storage system passes UL thermal runaway tests
Solar Power Energy storage company AGreatE has passed UL 9540A and received UL 1973 certification for its lithium-iron phosphate battery system. The system ATEN is ideal for commercial applications and can be configured into multi-megawatt units.

Enphase Energy renews microinverter donation partnership with GRID Alternatives
Solar Power Enphase Energy announced it has renewed its partnership with GRID Alternatives, a national nonprofit providing access to clean, affordable, renewable energy, transportation and jobs to economic and environmental justice communities.

Dynamic Energy constructing 6.6-MW solar array to power Maine grocery store chain
Solar Power Dynamic Energy Solutions commenced construction of a 6.6-MWDC ground-mounted solar array in Norridgewock, Maine. The project includes a landmark offtake agreement with grocer Albertsons Companies, and it is one of the largest commercial solar…

Solar installers can demand supply chain transparency from manufacturers
Solar Power A growing trend across all industries is consumers demanding greater transparency on the origin of the products they’re purchasing. Manufacturers claiming they’re producing cruelty-free or organic products can be subject to third-party…