Solar fundamentals: Making sense of kilowatts and kilowatt hours
Solar Power By Jon Franke, Blog Editor, Aurora Solar There are many things to understand when you’re considering going solar. In fact, some of the most basic concepts around the electricity panels generate, and we use, are often the most misunderstood.…

World Trade Organization rules that U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar panels are fair
Solar Power A World Trade Organization dispute panel has found that the United States followed all WTO rules when establishing safeguard measures against imported solar cells and modules in 2018, and the Trump Administration had ample reason to impose…

Swinerton selects Ingeteam inverters for 350 MW of California solar projects
Solar Power Ingeteam has supplied 350 MW of solar inverters for two solar projects in California that are being built by Swinerton Renewable Energy. CIM Group’s Aquamarine Westside solar photovoltaic plant is located in Kings County and has a nominal…

Biden’s Electric Car Plans Hinge on Having Enough Chargers
Solar Power For years, start-ups, automakers and other companies have been slowly building chargers, mainly in California and other coastal states where most electric cars are sold. These businesses use different strategies to make money, and auto experts…

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: What We Know
Solar Power Divers searching for the origin of a substantial oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico — one of several spotted off Louisiana’s coast after Hurricane Ida — have discovered three damaged pipelines near the leak, though murky conditions on…

Ida Hit One of the Country’s Biggest Oil and Chemical Hubs
Solar Power The most intense hurricane on record to strike Louisiana swept through one of the nation’s largest chemical, petroleum and natural gas hubs. And while it may take days or weeks for the full extent of the storm’s impact to become clear,…

Why There’s Been a Sudden Population Crash for Rare Whales
Solar Power Climate change is the quiet force behind a sudden decline in the population of North Atlantic right whales, according to a new study that bolsters a growing body of research into why the critically endangered animals have veered from slow…

Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump Rule Governing Water Pollution
Solar Power “If you look at a watershed, particularly in the Southwest, you have all these tributaries and ephemeral streams that are linked together like capillaries,” Mr. Gillespie said. “And the Trump rule hurt all of us, because we are all…

Lack of Power Hinders Assessment of Toxic Pollution Caused by Ida
Solar Power “But every time a storm hits, the dice is being rolled and there’s the potential that there could be some kind of release or explosion that could harm them and their families,” she said. “They have to worry about a double disaster.”Sites…

Climate Change Is Bankrupting America’s Small Towns
Solar Power FAIR BLUFF, N.C. — It’s been almost five years since Hurricane Matthew flooded this small town on the coastal plain of North Carolina. But somehow, the damage keeps getting worse.The storm submerged Main Street in four feet of water,…