Massachusetts clean energy legislation makes it to governor’s desk
Solar Power Newly passed landmark legislation will remove barriers that have limited access to solar energy for low-income households in Massachusetts. The new solar provisions, spearheaded by BlueHub Capital, a national nonprofit community finance organization,…

5 Tips for Building a National Solar Drone Program
Solar Power By Jason Steinberg, CEO and co-founder, Scanifly
Over the past few weeks, we at Scanifly have spoken to customers around the world to check on how they’re responding to COVID-19. Specific to the United States, sales have slowed, especially…

South Carolina PSC to hold public hearing on Duke Energy’s Solar Choice metering proposal
Solar Power The Public Service Commission of South Carolina (PSCSC) has scheduled a virtual public hearing in response to requests by Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) and Duke Energy Progress (DEP) for approval of the proposed Solar Choice net-metering riders…

FERC clarifies that a solar facility’s final AC output will determine PURPA qualification
Solar Power The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) yesterday reversed a split decision in a September 2020 order that denied Broadview Solar’s application for certification as a qualifying facility (QF) under the Public Utility Regulatory…

New Mexico community solar market on the verge of opening
Solar Power Legislation that will bring community solar to New Mexico is heading to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk after passing through the Senate concurrence process earlier on March 18. Once signed, the new law will set in motion the creation…

Solar FlexRack trackers used in Namasté Solar’s 1.2-MW solar + agriculture project
Solar Power Solar FlexRack, a division of Northern States Metals and a photovoltaic mounting and solar tracker solutions provider, has supplied its TDP Turnkey Solar Trackers for Jack’s Solar Garden, a 1.2-MW solar farm project and the largest “agrivoltaic”…

Colorado indoor cannabis grower signs on for 10% of Jack’s Solar Garden
Solar Power A 1.2-MW, family-owned solar project in Longmont, Colorado, is now selling 10% of its power to a Boulder-based cannabis company. Terrapin’s 10% share of Jack’s Solar Garden will allow the company to power 25% of its indoor grow operations.

SunPower announces ultra-low APR loans for residential solar and storage customers
Solar Power SunPower has announced new ultra-low annual percentage rate (APR) loans for residential solar and storage customers. The company’s new offerings include rates as low as 0.99% for a 15-year loan and 1.99% for a 25-year loan. The loans, offered…

Schletter’s new line of pitched roof solar mounts entering US market soon
Solar Power Schletter ProLine roof hook RapidA45
Schletter Group is launching a pitched roof system that has been redeveloped from scratch. The “ProLine” system is lighter and more load-bearing than its predecessor, thanks to its new profile geometries…

Namasté Solar starts work nearly doubling Colorado State University’s solar energy capacity
Solar Power Array on Edwards Hall at CSU. Photo by CSU
Work has begun on a Colorado State University (CSU) solar energy project that will help reduce the institution’s carbon footprint. In October 2020, CSU awarded the renewable energy project to builder…