June solar policy snapshots
Solar Power Michigan solar advocates have formed a coalition to push for community solar legislation in the state.
DOE announces $10 million in SolSmart program funding to increase solar energy equityWashington, D.C.
The U.S. Department of Energy announced…

bp purchases 9-GW PV solar development pipeline from 7X Energy
Solar Power British Petroleum (bp) reached an agreement to purchase 9 GW of U.S. solar development projects from independent developer 7X Energy. The acquisition is a step toward bp’s target of growing its net developed renewable generating capacity…

XL Solar Partners installing 250-kW PV project atop Houston office building
Solar Power XL Solar Partners is installing a commercial rooftop solar system with the FR8T Yard, a commercial office building located at 4245 Richmond Avenue in Houston, Texas. The project ranks among Houston’s largest commercial solar installations…

Soligent will donate funding for clean drinking water access for every solar project financed through its Loanpal program
Solar Power Solar equipment distributor Soligent will donate to non-profit GivePower for every solar job financed through the Soligent Loanpal Direct Pay Program. GivePower is dedicated to extending the environmental and social benefits of clean, renewable…

222-MW solar project puts Anheuser-Busch brewing at 100% renewable electricity
Solar Power Anheuser-Busch‘s entire portfolio of domestic beer and seltzer brands — including Bud Light, Michelob ULTRA, Busch and its Brewers Collective family of craft partners — is now brewed with 100% renewable electricity from solar and wind…

Syncarpha Capital developing 74-MW community solar project portfolio in Maine
Solar Power Syncarpha Capital, a full-service solar developer, owner and operator of community solar farms, and Pacolet Milliken, a family-owned investment company with roots in Maine, anticipate building approximately 74 MW of solar in the state.

CISOLAR 2021 to launch in Kyiv in hybrid format
Solar Power Innovative Business Centre (IB Centre) announced that CISOLAR 2021, the 10th Solar Energy Conference and Trade Show of Central and Eastern Europe, will take place in online and offline formats from the 6th to the 8th of July in Kyiv, Ukraine.IRENA…

Here’s the Arctic Station That Keeps Satellites Connected
Solar Power Arrayed across a plateau on an island in the high Norwegian Arctic, the 100 geodesic domes of the Svalbard Satellite Station look like abstract mushrooms sprouting from the snowy landscape.From outside, there seems to be little going on.…

More Than a Third of Heat Deaths Are Tied to Climate Change, Study Says
Solar Power More than a third of heat-related deaths in many parts of the world can be attributed to the extra warming associated with climate change, according to a new study that makes a case for taking strong action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…

Desert Technologies’ SAHARA Containerized Solar Generator wins award for Best Solar Innovation of the Year 2020
Solar Power Desert Technologies (DT), a closed joint-stock company headquartered in Saudi Arabia, announced it has received the Best Solar Innovation of the Year 2020 Award from the Middle East Solar Energy Industries Association (MESIA) for its SAHARA…