The best ( and least frustrating) way to set up your new iPhone
Digital Transformation While I patiently await DHL to correct a mix-up and deliver my shiny new iPhone to the correct address (UPDATE: It arrived Saturday morning), social…

Cloud sticker shock: all too common, but somewhat avoidable
Digital Transformation Cloud's original value proposition was that it would save companies money by sparing them upfront investments in hardware and software. However, it…

This $25 bundle allows you to train at your own pace to become an electrical power engineer
Digital Transformation There is no longer any need to take long breaks from your full-time job and go deeply into debt in order to get the training you need to switch to…

United Airlines wants customers to pay for something they may find outrageous
Digital Transformation United in its greenness?
Screenshot by ZDNet

New iPhone 13? Don’t forget to update!
Digital Transformation Just got a new iPhone 13 and that new iPhone smell is still on it? Well, it might be new but that doesn't mean that you don't need to update it.Yes,…

FBI decision to withhold Kaseya ransomware decryption keys stirs debate
Digital Transformation This week, the Washington Post reported that the FBI had the decryption keys for victims of the widespread Kaseya ransomware attack that took place…

Home safety checklist: A handy guide for the whole family
Digital Transformation Follow these steps to keep your home and your family safeWhat's the best way to keep your home and family safe? With so many home security systems available…

Brazilian telecoms regulator confirms 5G auction for November
Digital Transformation After several delays, Brazilian telecommunications regulator Anatel has approved the general rules for the country's fifth generation mobile spectrum…

Intuit partners with AnitaB.org for tech immersion program
Digital Transformation Financial software giant Intuit and non-profit AnitaB.org joined forces for a new pilot program designed to increase the number of women in tech and…

Best iPad in 2021: Which iPad model should you buy?
Digital Transformation Apple's iPad lineup is arguably something that's unmatched by any other platform or tablet maker. With a newly refreshed iPad…