NSW opens to vaccinated world with cap on unvaccinated arrivals at 210 per week
Digital Transformation The New South Wales government has announced it will put a cap on the number of unvaccinated people flying into the state from overseas. From November…

ACCC to consider sector-specific legislation as part of Digital Platforms Services Inquiry
Digital Transformation The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said it is considering whether sector-specific regulation is necessary to help it address…

CISA outlines cyberthreats targeting US water and wastewater systems
Digital Transformation In a new advisory, CISA has warned US water and wastewater system operators about an array of cyberthreats aimed at disrupting their operations. Cybersecurity…

More than 30 countries outline efforts to stop ransomware after White House virtual summit
Digital Transformation The countries involved in the two-day ransomware summit led by the US have released a joint statement pledging to make systems more resilient against…

U.S. Army postpones its $22 billion Microsoft augmented-reality headset deliverables to late 2022
Digital Transformation Credit: Microsoft …

What does it take to become a true-blue data driven organization, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation Over the course of last year, data has taken the front seat in driving a corporate's car. Businesses now rely on data more than ever and are aiming to become data-driven organizations. But what does it really take to become a truly data-driven…

The White House is having a big meeting about fighting ransomware. It didn’t invite Russia
Digital Transformation The White House has held a meeting with ministers and officials from 30 nations and the European Union to discuss how to combat ransomware and other…

Exponential, book review: Technology acceleration and its impact on society
Digital Transformation Exponential: How Accelerating Technology is Leaving Us Behind and What to Do About It • By Azeem Azhar • Random House Business • 352 pages •…

Prasad Patil joins NCDEX eMarkets as CTO, IT News, ET CIO
Digital Transformation Prasad Patil, CTO, JM Baxi Technology Businesses has moved on to join NCDEX eMarkets Limited as its Chief Technology Officer. NCDEX e Markets Limited (formerly known as NCDEX Spot Exchange Ltd) is the leading National Spot Exchange in India.…

Singapore must take caution with AI use, review approach to public trust
Digital Transformation In its quest to drive the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) across the country, multi-ethnic Singapore needs to take special care navigating…